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Down to Earth

A proof of concept video game created in Unreal Engine for Fortnight(UEFN) for the client, RedKulture via SCADpro collaboration.

Narrative Pitch:

Yom Yom is an intergalactic idol who is debuting her new single on Earth. But the morning of her debut, the Pukis steal her stage equipment and musical instruments. As you, the player, exists their apartment, you find one of the missing pieces! Once you touch it, Yom Yom connects with it and asks you to help her find the rest of the pieces! 

Video creation and editor by: Persephone Harris

Due to space limitations we had in UEFN, we stuck to mostly 2D assets to 'yomify' our Fortnite world we created. 

The player enters the Pukis domain to find the lost items. We wanted this area to have a different mood than the open city. Using the 2D assets and background music, the "Pukis Palace" is a grungy twist of the high tech aesthetic of Yom Yom's city. 

Production items I worked on. Since music is a focus for Yom Yom it was also our focus for the game. Because of this, we created a CD to hold all the in-game music our team made.

SCADpro team.jpg

To the Team: It was a pleasure to work with you all! Best of wishes to all your future adventures!

From Left to Right: Patrick Eng-Game Dev Lead | Cameron Mason-Project Manager and Illustrator | Malcolm Chan(in the phone)-Game Dev and 3D modeler | Marley Yambor-Animator and Model rigger | Maria Weaver(Me)-Project Manager and Illustrator | Aster Flowers-Sound Design | Sneha Kumar-Voice Actor and Sound Editor | Alex Yax-Game Developer | Persephone Harris-Game Developer and Video Editor | Edellaine Legawa-Production and Map Visualization

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